Trip Preparation
General Trip Information
A valid credit card is required at the time of booking.
Balance for the full trip will be due before leaving the dock on the day of your trip. Payments can be made by Cash, Card, or Venmo. Credit/Debit Cards will have a 3% service charge added to the final amount.
Please contact your Captain 24 Hours prior to your scheduled trip to discuss the weather conditions expected for that day as well as the departure port and exact start time for your trip. This information is included in your email confirmations.
Cancellations must be made at least 14 days in advance. Any cancellations within 14 days or any no shows will be charged 50% of the trips original total. All Ice fishing trips have a 7 Day cancellation policy.
Cancellations made by the Captain may be rescheduled for a future date without penalty or receive a full refund.
What To Bring for your trip
Fishing Trips
A Valid Fishing License for everyone 17 Years and older
For the Detroit River only
Also an Ontario one day fishing license - https://www.huntandfishontario.com/
We recommend not buying the one day fishing license until the day before the trip in case of weather reschedule/cancellation.
No alcohol/tobacco/firearms.
Weather appropriate clothing including rain gear. Dress in layers as its always colder out on the water!
Sunglasses, Hats, and sunscreen are highly recommended
Motion sickness medication if you are prone to motion sickness
Take the night before and the morning of the trip
Beverages and snacks of your choice. No Glass bottles
Cooler and Ice for your catch
Ice Fishing Trips
A Valid Fishing License for everyone 17 Years and older
Ice picks are required.
Winter Weather appropriate clothing. Dress in layers as its always colder out on the ice and while riding a snowmobile.
If you have your own snowmobile helmet please bring it.
Sunglasses are highly recommended
Beverages and snacks of your choice. No Glass bottles
Cooler for your catch afterwards.
We do not clean fish for ice fishing trips.
Duck Hunting Trips
Valid Hunting License - Which includes:
Base License
Waterfowl License
Waterfowl Stamp
Migratory Bird Hunter Survey
Shotgun with Non Toxic Shot - Plugged for 3 shell maximum capacity
Minimum 2 boxes of ammo recommended per hunter
For Layout hunting we recommend #3 Steel Shot or #5 in Bismuth
For Pontoon hunts we recommend #2 Steel Shot or #4 in Bismuth
Open chokes for layout hunts and one step tighter choke for pontoon hunts
Extra shotguns are available if a hunter in your party does not have one
Cold weather clothing
Waterproof jackets and pants/bibs. Waders are optional
MI DNR License Information